GATL Mentoring Program Overview

  1. Provide each student with (1) Peer Mentor, (1) Ministry Leader Mentor, and (1) Life Mentor
    • Meet with Peer Mentor monthly
    • Meet with Ministry Leader Mentor quarterly
    • Meet with Life Mentor quarterly
    • All meetings can be face-to-face or with web/video conferencing
    • Document all meetings and feedback in student journal
    • All mentors will submit a quarterly update/report to the GATL Site Coordinator (a questionnaire/form will be provided)
  2. Establish clear expectations, skills that need to be taught, type of feedback and encouragement the mentee desires, and areas of growth
    • Determine these elements based on the mentee’s learning styles
    • Mentee will present and constantly update their personal/leadership development plan with their mentors
  3. Ensure that each session has prayer and God’s Word as its foundation

  4. Include goal setting, future training and education, and the mentee’s dreams (i.e., ultimate goals) into the process

  5. Ensure sessions are both transparent and confidential

  6. Discuss journaling techniques

  7. Determine a method/process to assess your time together

  8. Journal entries, personal and professional growth, and the mentor experience will be shared during each GATL cycle


GATL Life Mentor Guidelines & Report